Switching Careers

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Switching Careers 
Having been in your current job for the past few years, you have come to the realization that your career progress with your employer is somewhat limited -both sideways and upwards.  You then decide to consider looking to see what is out there in the job market.  In addition to the vacancies posted in the media, you realize that your contacts are somewhat limited, and networking has not been an activity that you have been spending too much time and efforts on.  You read somewhere that "networking' is the most effective method of job search, but alas a bit too late.  No worries, we are here to help you.  If you are keen to discuss further and realize the potential, give us a ring at Tel (65) 6323 6626 or e-mail paulheng@nextcareer.net to set up a non-obligatory exploratory meeting.









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